JFS Promotes Pathways to Success
JFS Career Coach Presents at Delaware Pathways Conference
JFS’ Career Coach, Cyndi Germack, spoke last week at the Delaware Pathways Conference, which explores how Delaware’s workforce system can include pathways to success for students of different needs and aspirations.
Cyndi spoke as an expert panelist for a workshop titled “Shaping Students Outside of School.” Her co-presenters included George Krupanski from the Boys and Girls Club of Delaware, Peggy Geisler from the Sussex County Health Coalition, Paul Calistro from West End Neighborhood House, and Kathy Jennings from New Castle County Government.
JFS is proud to be a thought leader among providers of services for youth in Delaware.
Cyndi shared how JFS Delaware plays an integral role in helping our youth prepare for college and careers. In addition, Cyndi highlighted JFS’ unique approach to students who reside in high-risk neighborhoods, delivering intensive support in school and at home that ensures they transition from middle school to high school to college, and then work.
“We have trained trauma professionals working as youth advocates in the community,” Cyndi comments. “The basic emotional needs of these students, kids who have witnessed gun violence, must be met before they can become college and career focused. In addition to in-home and community support, we utilize the SPARC network, an online database designed for students to connect with employers and mentoring opportunities.”