Staff Spotlight: Jordan
Let’s meet Jordan!
As a Master’s Level Therapist, Jordan provides evidence-based mental health therapy services to individuals and families. She believes in providing a safe environment for each person to be seen, heard, and known and in tailoring treatment to each individual’s unique needs.
What made you decide to work for JFS?
“I started at JFS as a virtual intern during the pandemic as part of my Master’s program and later took an opportunity for a part-time position based on my positive internship experience. Since then, my role has certainly grown and changed, but I am grateful to have always been encouraged to follow my own career goals and passions at JFS.”
What inspires you to come to work every day?
“As cheesy as it sounds, I do feel that I am doing the work that I was made to do. It is not always easy! But every day I know that I am putting my skills and talents to use in a way that can make a positive impact in people’s lives. I also know that when the work gets hard, I can lean on my co-workers and supervisors for support.”
What is the best part of your job?
“The moments when I get to get a glimpse of positive change. Seeing clients apply skills they have learned and make change for the better in their lives always warms my heart.”
What is a fun fact about you?
“When I was a kid, I won the geography bee at my school twice. (Yes, I am aware that I was a nerd. I still am.)”
If you could go anywhere in the world for your next vacation, where would you go? Why?
“Singapore – It was my home for a few years, and I definitely left a piece of my heart there. I would certainly visit more often if it were closer and easier to get to!”
When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?
“First an engineer, and then a filmmaker – I liked figuring out how things work and communicating stories, which, in unexpected ways, both connect to what I do today.”
What is one food you could eat every day?
“Rice. It’s extremely versatile and I somehow just don’t get tired of it.”
What is the last show you binged?
“Jane the Virgin (for the second time!)”
What is the best book you ever read?
“I don’t know if I can choose a favorite book of all time (there are too many good ones!) but a recent favorite would be The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.”
What are you most thankful for you in your life right now?
“Relationships. My family, friends, and community have been my sustainers through all of life’s greatest challenges. They are the ones who keep my life lively and fulfilled, and I would not be where I am today if I had journeyed alone.”