MMH Program Featured by Delaware Public Media

Jewish Family Services offers maternal mental health care in Delaware

Delaware Public Media | By Abigail Lee
Published October 6, 2024 at 8:02 PM EDT
Jewish Family Services of Delaware (JFS) offers care during pregnancy and postpartum, including free group therapy, a baby pantry with free supplies and supports like rent and bill assistance.

JFS mental health therapist Susan Nakaweesa manages the maternal mental health group and said the program offers comprehensive perinatal care.

“We need to help these mothers in a holistic way, support them, just like you can’t expect somebody to stabilize… when the [thing] that’s inducing their stress is still there. You need to get to the bottom of it,” Nakaweesa said.

Almost 15% of pregnant people in Delaware received inadequate prenatal care, according to Peristats.

Delaware does not have a maternity care desert according to the same source, but marginalized people have less access to and travel farther to reach care.

Nakaweesa said programs like hers need to be accessible and inclusive of everyone.

“I think that we need more of us, I can say,” Nakaweesa said. “We need more people to do this kind of work, because I think Delaware is limited when it comes to maternal mental health, people who are trained to do this to help mothers.”

Group therapy sessions include 12 patients and take about 12 weeks.

JFS surveys found 100% of participants report they are better able to manage perinatal depression after getting assistance.

“We provide them the education about basically what’s going on in their lives because most of them don’t really understand what’s going on,” Nakaweesa said. “We provide them the education and then the support, material and mental health.”

Nakaweesa also hopes to conduct research on marginalized communities and address maternal health care disparities.

More information on the Sonia Schorr Sloan Maternal Mental Health Program can be found here.